Our surgeons provide compassionate, personalized treatment to each person under their care while training the next generation of physicians and researching new and less invasive ways to treat patients. At Weill Cornell Medicine, many of our faculty are considered master surgeons and leaders in their respective fields.




Fabrizio Michelassi, MD
Fabrizio Michelassi, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8428

Dr. Afaneh
Cheguevara Afaneh, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8462

Christopher Agrusa
Christopher Agrusa, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8450

Paula Ancelson, D.M.D.

Phone: (212) 746-5119

Kofi Atiemo, M.D.
Kofi Atiemo, M.D.

Phone: (212) 746-3099

Meredith J. Aull is an Associate Professor of Pharmacology Research in Surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine.
Meredith J. Aull, Pharm.D.
David Alan Behrman, D.M.D.

Phone: (212) 746-5175

Dr. Russell Berman
Russell S. Berman, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-4598

Ariel Blanchard
Ariel Blanchard, D.M.D.

Phone: (212) 746-5175

Dustin Joseph Carpenter, M.D.
Dustin Carpenter, M.D.

Phone: (212) 305-5970

Christopher Chandler, M.D.

Phone: (212) 746-3099

Rohit Chandwani portrait
Rohit Chandwani, M.D., Ph.D.

Phone: (212) 746-2127

Philip Chang
Philip Chang, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2580

Dr. Shuibing Chen
Shuibing Chen, Ph.D.
Leslie E. Cohen, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-4275

Peter Connolly, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8450

Vanessa Coupet, D.M.D.

Phone: (212) 746-5119

Rebecca Craig Schapiro
Rebecca Craig-Schapiro, M.D.

Phone: (212) 746-3099

Gregory F. Dakin, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8462

Elvis Danne, Jr., D.P.M.
Elvis Danne, Jr., D.P.M.

Phone: (646) 962-8450

Brian DeRubertis, M.D., FACS

Phone: (646) 962-8450

John Joseph Doolan, D.P.M.

Phone: (646) 962-8450

Sharif Ellozy, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8450

Todd R. Evans, Ph.D.
Thomas J. Fahey, III, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-5250

Maryam Farag, D.M.D.

Phone: (212) 746-5175

Dr. Fichera
Alessandro Fichera, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2270

Brendan M. Finnerty, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-5250

Paul D. Freedman, D.D.S.

Phone: (212) 746-5171

Dr. Freedman Weiss
Mollie Freedman-Weiss, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2599

James Gallagher
James J. Gallagher, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2580

Kelly A. Garrett, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2270

Lisa Gfrerer
Lisa Gfrerer, M.D., Ph.D.

Phone: (646) 962-4250

Miriam Gordillo, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Elizabeth Gorman
Elizabeth Gorman, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8490

Dr. Nicole Goulet
Nicole Goulet, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8490

Deena Blair Horn, D.P.M.

Phone: (646) 962-8450

Romulo Hurtado, Ph.D.
Koianka Trencheva, Dr.PH., M.S., BSN
Koianka J. Ivanova-Trencheva, Dr.PH., M.S., BSN
Tikva Jacobs, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8450

Adam Jacoby, M.D.
Adam Jacoby, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-4250

M Jafari
Mehraneh D. Jafari, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2270

Fabrice Jaffré, Ph.D.
Angela Kadenhe-Chiweshe, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2599

Sandip Kapur, M.D.
Sandip Kapur, M.D.

Phone: (212) 746-3099

Anton Kelly, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8490

Michael D. Lieberman, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8430

Lea Lowenfeld
Lea Lowenfeld, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2270

Nima Maghami
Nima Maghami, M.D., FACS

Phone: (646) 962-8490

Demetri J. Merianos, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2599

Jeffrey W. Milsom, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2270

Lisa Newman, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-4240

Dr. Stephen Oh headshot
P. Stephen Oh, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2599

David M. Otterburn, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-4250

Magdalena Plasilova, M.D., Ph.D.

Phone: (626) 962-2888

Gwendolyn Reeve, D.M.D., FACS

Phone: (212) 746-5175

Renee Faith Reich, D.D.S.

Phone: (718) 670-1520

Soo J. Rhee, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8450

Juan P. Rocca, M.D.
Juan P. Rocca, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-5483

Edward Rosenbaum, D.M.D.

Phone: (201) 328-1555

Marsha E. Rubin, D.D.S.

Phone: (212) 746-5115

Nicholas D. Salerno, D.P.M.

Phone: (646) 962-8450

Steven Paul Saltzman, D.D.S.

Phone: (718) 375-2182

benjamin samstein headshot
Benjamin Samstein, M.D.

Phone: (212) 746-2127

Jian Shou, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Phone: (646) 962-8490

Rache Simmons
Rache M. Simmons, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-4240

Jason A. Spector, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8471

Nitsana A. Spigland, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2599

Dr. Jordan Stern
Jordan R. Stern, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8450

Alexander Julian Swistel, M.D.
Alexander J. Swistel, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-2888

Cassandra Villegas
Cassandra V. Villegas, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8490

Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams, M.D., D.M.D

Phone: (212) 746-5175

Robert Winchell, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-8490

Herrick Wun, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-5575

Heather Yeo, M.D., M.H.S.

Phone: (646) 962-2270

Rasa Zarnegar, M.D.

Phone: (646) 962-5250

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