Resident Research

Crucial to success in academic surgery is the understanding of new scientific information about techniques and technologies unique to surgery and the multidisciplinary environment in which it exists. It is critical that trainees acquire the skills in experimental design, execution and evaluation of research. The goal of the research experience is to engage in biomedical research at the highest level under the leadership of the Program Director/Vice Chair of Education Dr. Thomas Fahey III, and Vice Chair of Research Dr. Todd Evans.

All surgical residents should expect to spend two years as a research fellow working with an established investigator. Research can be conducted in a variety of settings from basic science to translational investigations, or clinical outcomes-based research. The General Surgery program focuses on helping residents pursue research opportunities that align with their interests and foster academic growth.


Adjacent Research Labs

WCM Research

Resident Research Publications

Current Research Opportunities


WCM Masters Program

WCM Master's Program

Resident research progress is presented and assessed at bi-weekly at research conferences providing additional input from fellow research residents and faculty. At the end of the year, a NYP Resident Research Symposium is held where selected residents have an opportunity to present their projects to the whole NYP community.

Research residents also have the option to complete a MS in Clinical Epidemiology in the Graduate School of Medical Sciences at Weill Cornell Medicine

Many of our residents pursue research fellowships at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and The Rockefeller Institute which are directly adjacent to NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medicine.

Other research opportunities include:

  • Global surgery research fellowship (Weill Cornell Bugando, Paul Farmer Global)
  • Clinical ethics fellowship with the Division of Medical Ethics at Weill Cornell Medicine.


Most general surgery residents will prepare for, and participate in, a two-year basic science research fellowship (unless other arrangements have been made and approved by the program director, appropriate surgery division chief, and chair) after the 2nd or 3rd year of residency.

PGY-1 Year

Select a research area of interest and possible mentors. You will be invited to an evening orientation for research to hear about research opportunities from mentors and fellow residents. 

PGY-2 or PGY-3 Year

Identify mentor and proposed research site early in this year. Arrange interviews with mentors to determine projects of mutual interest.  Early contacts facilitate applications for funding for the following year in research.

For more information about the General Surgery Research Fellowship, contact: 

Brendan M. Finnerty, MD

Thomas Fahey, MD



Within the context of their individual research efforts and the scientific mentorship of research directors, fellows will:

  • Develop and implement a clinical or basic science research project
  • Develop skills to critically evaluate the scientific literature
  • Develop a basic understanding of statistics and epidemiology
  • Develop an understanding of how health disparities impact research and clinical care
  • Understand ethical behavior in performance of human and animal research
  • Submit protocols for approval to IRB successfully and in a timely manner
  • Acquire basic skills of writing and submitting manuscripts/abstracts
  • Actively participate in and attend conferences. Coordinate learning opportunities for fellow residents
  • Present at local, regional, national, or international scientific meeting

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