Our Mission
At Weill Cornell we are proud to have a talented group of women surgeons and trainees. The purpose of the Cornell Women in Surgery (WIS) group is to support, encourage, and facilitate female surgeons to achieve their personal and professional goals. WIS is committed to supporting women surgeons at all stages of their career – from medical school through residency, fellowship, and as faculty.
Through yearly activities, WIS provides networking and mentorship opportunities for medical students interested in a career in surgery and for surgical residents. WIS also provides a forum for discussion about issues, challenges, and opportunities that pertain to women in surgery. WIS is open to all members of the medical community at Weill Cornell. Explore photo albums from previous Annual Women in Surgery Dinners and other Department of Surgery events.
Celebrating International Women’s Day 2023
Pregnancy, Lactation, and Pregnancy Loss Policy: In an effort to accommodate residents in various stages of parenthood and address the prevalence of pregnancy complications as well as pregnancy loss in the surgical field, we have implemented the following policy on pregnancy, lactation, and pregnancy loss.